How do LEIBNIZ and Bahlsen belong together?

LEIBNIZ is part of the Bahlsen family.

A family owned business, baking biscuits for four generations, and over 130 years.

The Bahlsen brands make all kinds of biscuits, between us.

But at LEIBNIZ, we’re focussed on making the things that make family life a little brighter.

Find out more about Bahlsen

Why is LEIBNIZ called LEIBNIZ?

In 1891, our founder Hermann Bahlsen launched the first ‘LEIBNIZ Cakes’.

Hermann was born and raised in Hanover, and chose to name his creation after one of Hanover's most famous ever

residents, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646-1716).

Leibniz was known as ‘the last universal genius’, and was one of his eras greatest polymaths.

During his career, he worked as a mathematician, philosopher, scientist and inventor (amongst other things).

He led a fascinating life, and achieved incredible things in his work. (When you next have a spare rainy afternoon,

you really should Google him.)

Naming food after famous personalities was not uncommon in Hermann Bahlsen’s time.

Other examples include ‘Bismarck Herring’, ‘Schillerlocke’ and ‘Mozartkugel’


What does the TET logo mean?

Hermann Bahlsen, our founder, was inspired to create our TET symbol, whilst on a journey through Egypt.

The logo is based on a hieroglyph, showing a rising sun and a snake, meaning ‘everlasting’.

Hermann used the symbol to guarantee quality. And we still use it today, on everything we make.


Why does the original LEIBNIZ butter biscuit have 52 teeth?

The ‘LEIBNIZ Cake’ (now known as the LEIBNIZ Butter Biscuit) was launched in 1891, by our founder Hermann Bahlsen.

The original ‘Cake’ had 52 teeth around its edge, for purely aesthetic reasons. Hermann found the biscuits looked perfect with this exact number. Today, every single LEIBNIZ Butter Biscuit still has 52 of them.

So if you ever want to know if you’re eating a genuine LEIBNIZ Butter Biscuit - just count the teeth.


Why do other products have a different number of teeth?

LEIBNIZ Wholegrain and LEIBNIZ Oat KEKS have 38 teeth.

This is because the consistency of the dough is coarser than our butter biscuit dough,

meaning the teeth around the outside need to be bigger. If they had 52 teeth like our Butter Biscuits,

the teeth would be too delicate, and would break off easily. (Which we’re sure you’ll agree – would be no good at all.)

The biscuit part of a ‘LEIBNIZ Choco’ has 46 teeth, because the biscuit is slightly smaller than our classic butter biscuit.

But the chocolate slab that the biscuit is sunk into has 52 teeth, just like our original Butter Biscuit.

LEIBNIZ Minis have 26 teeth. Exactly half the amount you’ll find on our full size originals.

Who knew making biscuits would involve so many numbers?


How do I get the Butter Biscuits out of the packaging, without breaking them?

There’s a trick to it. And it’s a really easy trick.

After opening the pack using the tear strip, pull out the white tray completely.

You can then take out the stacks of biscuits, or pour them all out of their packaging, really easily.


Which animals can be found in LEIBNIZ ZOO?

What an excellent question.

You can find 17 different animals in packs of LEIBNIZ ZOO Original, and ZOO with 30% less sugar:

A rhino, a turtle, a sheep, an owl, a penguin, a monkey, a squirrel, a rabbit, a duck, a camel, a cat, an elephant, a lion, a bear, a dog, a donkey and a horse.

There are twelve different animals in packs of ZOO Spelt & Oats packs:

A cow, a dog, a bull, a donkey, a rooster , a goat, a duck, a cat, a horse, a sheep, a squirrel, a mouse and a rabbit.

In packs of ZOO Cocoa, you can find eleven different animals:

A monkey, an elephant, a frog, a gorilla, a hippo, a crocodile, a lion, a turtle, a zebra, a snake, and a tiger.

And finally, you’ll find seven different creatures in the ZOO Gluten Free packs:

Two dragons, a unicorn, a leprechaun, two mermaid sisters, and a dove.

Unfortunately, we can’t guarantee that all animals are always included in each pack.

(Sometimes a couple of them escape.)

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